
I’m Kate Butler and I’ve been heavily involved in New Zealand dog agility for over 20 years. I’ve started this blog for two reasons:

  • As the sport has evolved and matured, it has become more daunting for newer competitors to step up to the line for their first show. I want to create a forum to welcome newcomers to our sport, answer their questions, and help them feel more confident and prepared to take on their next course.
  • In recent years the debate about agility matters has moved away from email lists to Facebook. Facebook is great for short, quick comments but terrible for longer content.

I have strong opinions about a lot of things and I will be expressing them here. I also welcome guest posts so that the blog can represent a range of views rather than just being my own personal soapbox. Contributions on any agility-related subject are welcome and should be respectful and constructive in tone.

Note: I will not be accepting any opinion posts about the recent changes to the heights cutoffs until 1 January 2020, after they have been in place for a year.

If you want to contribute to the blog or you have a question, suggestion or comment, please send it to the blog’s dedicated email address fivefaultclub@gmail.com so that I can keep everything in one place.