The Birthday Boy

Today is Able’s first birthday.

A special birthday lunch: Stuffed Leg of Giraffe with Squeaker In.

He’s grown significantly bigger than I expected, and now clocks in at 23.5kg, nearly twice what his great aunt Spring weighed. He has grown into his paws at last – but my, what big paws they are!

He knows far less about agility things than my previous dogs did at that age. He’s only been over few low jump bars a few times, as part of his jumping grids, and he’s never done any agility handling over jumps. He’s never been through a tunnel. I’ve done nothing about his weave training yet, although if I had access to a good old-fashioned weave channel apparatus I probably would have.

He still hasn’t destroyed anything of value, except for one alarm clock and one sock. He has an excellent recall most of the time, but his delight in the company of strangers sometimes leads him into temptation.

I’m looking forward to the year ahead – progressing from almost no obstacle skills to running full courses, getting into the ring, and hopefully learning to run together as a team. The finish line seems very far away sometimes, but we’ll keep building on the basics and we’ll get there.

Next month we will be starting a foundation agility class at club, which I’m sure he will enjoy immensely.

Happy birthday Able!

Christmas Steam Engines and Plank Games

Merry Christmas to you and your doggies from Rik and Able!

Santa brought Rik a replacement yellow smily face ball for the one that Able wrecked. Able got coal.

Waimate’s annual Christmas in the (very small) Square was cancelled this year due to covid. Instead a group of people decided to sit on the back of a truck singing carols while they drove around town. In Waimate no celebration is complete without our pet vintage steam engine, which was chosen to lead the procession, while volunteers ran along beside it handing out candy canes and Christmas Cake.

I never miss an opportunity to get Able out and about when strange things are afoot, so we headed outside before dinner to watch the steam engine go past. I vastly overestimated the peak speed of a vintage steam engine, but after a thirty-minute wait the world’s smallest Christmas parade arrived, and the dogs had their first face-to-face encounter with the steam engine. Neither of them were the least bit fazed, perhaps because their chances of outrunning it were excellent should it happen to veer off course and chase them.

Learning to Walk the Plank

My Christmas training project is to transfer Able’s contact behaviour onto a low plank, propped up on his mop bucket at one end to give it a tiny bit of height.

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Human and Canine Frights

Our week got off to a very scary start when Able had a seizure in the wee small hours of Monday morning. It was a very surreal way to wake up, especially as he was completely fine a few minutes later, and it took me a good couple of hours to get back to sleep.

Our visit to the vet that morning did not give us any answers. He appears fine, so fingers crossed it was just a random once-off. If not, it’s possible that he could have epilepsy.

Even in my sleep-deprived state I managed to notice that Able was exceptionally well-behaved at the vet clinic. This has always been a place where he gets overexcited, and with the slippery floors things can quickly descend into chaos. We went to the clinic for a lunchtime every week this winter until the lockdown put an end to that, and it’s nice to see hard work paying off!

So that’s what scared me this week … what about Able?

The Wheelbarrow of Terror

A triumphant Able poses after conquering his fears.
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Able’s First Christmas Party

This week we had our dog club Christmas party. My older dog Rik does not feel a lot of Christmas spirit when it comes to being in close proximity to other dogs, so Able got to have a turn at the games.

Mr Able McYoghurtface. Somehow despite having a much bigger head than Rik, he is better at cramming it all the way into the tub.

The Border Collie Stampede

Recall races are an annual feature at the party. Able won his heat easily, and then he had to wait while the other dogs had a turn.

Able did not want to wait quietly. Able very much enjoyed his five seconds of glory, and he wanted to go again NOW! He’s always been very calm watching the other dogs at agility, but now he serenaded me with a selection of his best monkey noises as he tried to drag me back to the start line.

Continue reading “Able’s First Christmas Party”

CCC Games

I bought a collapsible crate for my agility training online. It arrived this week, so I spent the weekend playing CCC (Crate Cone & Contact) games on the front lawn.

Turns out a 3XL crate isn’t quite big enough for Able. Oops.

Able really enjoys his Crate Games inside the house, but I’ve been reluctant to do too much with a wire crate in case he gets caught up and injures himself. I was very excited to finally take our games outside and play with some more speed and excitement.

The Sunroof Entry

As an easy warmup, I thought I’d try sending Able into the crate from a few different angles. This is a fun little game that helps to build the skill of looking for the entry of something – later, the entry of a tunnel or the weave poles. This exercise is featured on the Crate Games DVD but I hadn’t done it with any of my previous dogs. I thought Able would nail it.

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The Cookie Stretch Catastrophe and The Jump Grid Fix

I noticed a couple of weeks ago that Able has a strong preference for turning to the left (versus the right) when he grabs his tug toy and turns around to come back to me. This is bad enough that he’d rather make a 270 degree left turn than a 90-degree right turn – not something I want him doing on the agility course when he’s turning towards me.

I asked our animal physio about it and she suggested I try some cookie stretches to work on his flexibility in both directions.

Two months on from his first encounter with them, my intrepid Border Collie has learned to ignore the sheep at the local park. I let him hoover up a few turds as a reward.

Cookie Stretches

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When Training Sessions Go Wrong

Over the last few weeks I’ve been taking Able along to my club’s agility training on Wednesday nights. I train my older dog Rik in the 7:30 class, but I try to arrive before 7 so that I can get Able out and do some things with him before then. It’s important to train a youngster in lots of different environments, so I try to get him out and do something with him wherever I go.

Earlier in the spring we were training on the margins of the main agility field, as we needed to be under lights. This was a great opportunity for Able to practise his basic skills – sit stays, retrieves, agility handling on the flat, jumping lanes – in a more stimulating environment, with other dogs running a course ten metres away. There was a noticeable deterioration at first, but by the third week he had his little halo on and didn’t put a paw wrong all night.

And then daylight savings started and I moved to a different space behind the clubrooms, where we had more room to get moving and chuck some toys around. I decided this was the ideal time to start on Able’s more formal handling education, and I started coming to club each week with an agenda of sexy stuff I was going to work on.

Things Go A Bit Pear-Shaped

It’s all fun and games until your toy lands in a cactus.
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Guy Fawkes and Fun with Cones

Last week was, of course, Guy Fawkes Night. The one magical night a year when people let off fireworks to celebrate some political intrigue I don’t quite understand that happened 400 years ago in another country.

I say “magical” because Guy Fawkes Night defies the normal laws of time, in which a Night is shorter than a Week, and much shorter than a Month. In fact, any random moment of time can be Guy Fawkes Night, if somebody just wishes it to be so (and blows up the dodgy parallel imported fireworks they’ve been storing next to a petrol can in the shed for the last few months).

I am very lucky with Rik that she does not mind loud bangs like fireworks or thunderstorms. I am now doubly lucky with Able. When the first firework went off he sat up, looked around the room for 30 seconds, glanced over at Rik, and flompfed back onto the floor to resume his nap. By the end of the first week of Guy Fawkes Night, he wasn’t even opening his eyes when another fire hazard went zooming off above our heads.

Our agility club show on Saturday was very very wet. Rik insisted on joining me in bed for a nap as soon as we got home.

Puppy’s First Cone Wrap

This week I tackled something I’ve been meaning to do for a month or so, and taught Able to wrap around a cone. This is a skill that a lot of people teach to their puppies while they’re quite young, but I worry a bit about the impact on the shoulders of repeated wraps, especially for a fairly large puppy like Able.

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2021’s Hottest Dog Fitness Trend, and Able’s New Friend

There’s one exercise that has come up and over and over again in my ongoing agility learning this year. It was featured heavily in multiple presentations in the 2021 Lemonade Conference, and I’ve seen it pop up elsewhere too. It’s not something I’ve ever put much effort into training before, but I guess that’s about to change.

It apparently improves your dog’s balance, his strength, his movement and his endurance. It’s low-impact and you can do it anywhere, even in your living room during a Level 4 lockdown.

I’ll reveal what that exercise is soon, but first it’s story time. I took Able for a walk last week, and we were accosted by a stray dog. I am used to this being a stressful situation, as my older dog gets very wound up about other dogs in her personal space. However, Able was absolutely delighted to make a new friend, and soon they were happily play-bowing at each other while I tried to move Able along. It soon became clear that his new friend was going to follow us, so we went home for the dogs to have a play-date in the back yard.

The only photo I managed to get of Able with his friend. She was VERY interested in him…

Well … I brought home a bitch in season for my intact male ten-month-old puppy to play with. They had a delightful time playing chasie around the back yard before I realised – and fortunately the penny never dropped for Able. I guess he isn’t quite all grown up yet, but it’s a very important lesson for me in the perils of owning an intact male dog. I was worried about whether I would be able to fence him in securely – not about bitches throwing themselves on him as we walk down the street!

Now, back to that magical exercise that will turn your dog into a super athlete. What could it possibly be?

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Stopped Contacts, Part 2 and DASH

When I last described our foundation contact training, Able was taking a short step towards his upside-down bucket, then stepping onto and over it and stopping in his 2o2o position. I was then feeding him on his ice cream lid target.

I had grand plans about transferring this training to a plank as soon as daylight saving started, but I still haven’t found the right object to prop it up to the height I want. In the meantime I’m making plenty of progress with my trusty mop bucket anyway.

Susan Garrett’s DASH

Training the actual 2o2o stop position at the end of the plank is only a small part of stopped contact training. The much bigger and more important part is proofing – making sure that the dog is confident to go to that position at speed no matter what.

Susan Garrett has an acronym for which elements of your training you should focus on in which order – DASH (short for Desire, he finds that Accuracy, Speed, Habituation).

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