
This site could collect some information about you. Here’s what it will and won’t be used for.


This blog features photos of people and dogs at agility shows or training. I won’t publish any potentially embarrassing photos without checking with you first. Please contact me if you would like me to remove a photo of you or your dog, or to request that I don’t feature photos of you in future.

Names and Email Addresses

You will need to enter a name and email address to comment on this website. The name that you enter will be shown on your comment. Your email address will not be disclosed to anyone else, or used for promotional purposes. I may email you privately if I find your comment particularly interesting.

IP Addresses

When you visit the site your IP address is recorded. This may be used for reporting purposes (e.g. to count the number of unique visitors to the site each day) or for comment moderation or security purposes (e.g. to ban spammers from leaving comments). The site’s web hosting provider may also record the IP addresses that visit the site. I won’t disclose your IP address to anybody else.