Weekend Wrap: 18 November 2018

Today my club had our annual working bee to clean all the winter mud off our equipment and fix the stuff we’ve broken. This year we had the added challenge of converting all of our jumps to the new heights.

We still have a lot of the older metal style hurdles, although we are gradually replacing them. This weekend two club members and a supportive husband removed over 500 metal lugs from these jumps!

Our old agility table made a great workbench for grinding the metal lugs off our jumps.

We have fitted plastic stick-on lugs to some of our hurdles, although we will need to finish this job off at training next week. One complication that we hadn’t anticipated is that many of our jump poles are a wee bit too long for our hurdles now – the plastic backing of the cups reduces the span of the hurdle slightly and the poles are an extremely snug fit.

Has your club modified your hurdles yet? Did you encounter any unexpected challenges?